Geschichte und Ästhetik der elektronischen Musik 2

Mittwoch 15 – 17 Uhr

Weiterführende Literatur


Analyse Elektroakustischer Musik

Philippe Lalitte
Towards a semiotic model of mixed music analysis
Organised Sound 11(2) 99–106 (2006 )

Simon Emmerson
Acoustic/Electroacoustic: The Relationship with Instruments
Routledge Journal of New Music Research 27 (1998 )
Leilo Camillieri
Electroacoustic Music: Analysis and Listening Process

Mary Simoni
Analytical methods of electroacoustic music
New York [u.a.]: Routledge 301 (2005 )
Dennis Smalley
Can Electro-Acoustic Music be Analyzed?
(1991 )

Marco Stroppa
The analysis of electronic music
Contemporary Music Review 1 175 – 180 (1984 )

Trevor Wishart
On Sonic Art
harwood academic publishers (1996 )

Thomas Licata
Electroacoustic Music. Analytical Perspectives
Greenwood Press (2002 )

Laura Zattra
Analysis and Analyses of Electroacoustic Music
(2005 )


Algorithmische Komposition

Alpern, Adam
Techinques for Algorithmic Composition of Music

Ariza, Christopher
Navigating the Landscape of Computer-Aided Algorithmic Composition Systems: A Definition, Seven Descriptors, and a Lexicon of Systems and Research

Assayag, Gérard
Computer Assisted Composition today.

Burns, Kristine H.
Introducion (to Algorithmic Composition)

Hajdu, Georg
Der Computer als Inspirationsquelle für Komponisten – ein historischer Überblick

Maurer IV, John A.
A Brief History of Algorithmic Composition

Jacob, Bruce L
Algorithmic composition as a model of creativity

Kunze, Tobias
Bibliography Algorithmic Composition

Supper, Martin
A Few Remarks on Algorithmic Composition
The MIT Press Computer Music Journal 25 48-53 (2001 )